NEW!  Listen to FoGVG President, Carl Schoenthal talk about the 2024 event on WXXI Radio: RECORDING LINK

Is the 10-mile challenge a one-way event? Yes, at the conclusion of the one-way event in Avon, you will be responsible for riding back to Scottsville or parking a second car at the finish in Avon.
How long will it take me to complete the Challenge? An average rider can complete the 10-mile route in about an hour.  If you stop a couple of times at the Challenge stations, we anticipate it will take you 1.5 hours.  Don't forget that you will need to ride back to your car after the event unless you leave a car at the finish in Avon.
Is there a minimum age to ride in this event? No, but we highly recommend that all riders be at least 8 years old or able to ride a round trip length of 20 miles in one day. Bike trailers for kids are welcome.
Where should we park our car for the event? In Scottsville, you can park on the village streets but we recommend parking at nearby Johnson Park.  If you would like to leave right from Avon at the finish, we recommend parking a second car at Avon Driving Park
Can I ride an e-bike in the event? You are allowed to ride an e-assist pedal bike on the Genesee Valley Greenway trail but not a fully electric or gas-powered bike or scooter.
Are there aid stations along the event route? We will have one water stop at White Creek (mile 6.7) as shown on the event map however, this is a self-supported event so bring any tools or snacks as needed.
Can I stop along the route and take my time? Yes, we encourage you to enjoy the trip at your own pace.  We have 3 scheduled places to stop per the event map but you can take a break as needed.
What if I decide to turn back to Scottsville after a few miles and not complete the challenge which finishes in Avon? Not a problem.  You should only ride the distance you feel comfortable completing.  Be sure to tell an event volunteer in Scottsville that you are not going to finish in Avon so that we are aware.
Will there be other non-event people on the trail when we are riding? Yes, this is a NY State park and the general public will be sharing the trail with them.  This includes walkers and joggers.  You will be wearing a sticker to identify yourself as a participant.
What happens if it's raining on the day of the event? We are planning on holding the Challenge rain or shine unless there is unsafe weather such as high winds or lightning. We will make any last-minute notifications via our Facebook page.
Can I bring my dog with me?   If you have a safe way to transport your small pet in an enclosed carrier, they are welcome. Dogs running next to a cyclist will not be permitted.

Let's Come Together To Enhance the Historic Greenway Experience

Join us on September 14th as we pedal towards a better future for the Genesee Valley Greenway. Register today, invite friends, and gear up for an unforgettable day of fun, fitness, and community spirit!

Register To Ride!